The inaugural Maas ball held in Sydney’s powerhouse museum was an evening of fashion and fund raising. Centre stage was a sleek crystal clear Megadeck catwalk used for speeches and of course fashion displays.
Focal to any event, the main stage has to be one that is both practical and aesthetically relevant to the event itself. In this instance, the long clear acrylic Megadeck stage was positioned in the middle of the room at an elevated height for maximum impact. Simple in design yet highly effective in its use as a performance piece. The all clear stage was illuminated from floor lighting and clad in black hard fascia.
When constructing a stage so it has multi uses, the clear acrylic Megadeck stages are an ideal choice. All the practical requirements are inherit with the stage modules such as safe and sturdy platforms for entertaining but the added bonus of lighting effects is one that comes from the choice of materials used.
To accentuate the surface, a solid black fascia on all sides of the catwalk creates a lighting feature that is hard to miss. A range of materials and textures can be applied to any Megadeck stages therefore allowing an unlimited amount of design options when tailoring staging needs to each and every event.
If you have a design or theme in mind, simply contact the Megadeck team and discuss the whole host of options that are available to you. With over twenty years’ experience in the staging industry, Megadeck brings to the fore thousands of event concepts and construction techniques that ensure your event is as successful as it is stylish.
For some inspiration just visit our website and see for yourself the range of stages and materials that can be applied to our products to better enhance your next event.
Image courtesy- Sonny Vandevelde